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Children's Literacy

An avid reader, much of Molly's initial service work involved getting diverse books into the hands of local school children.  Using donations, birthday money, and lemonade stand profits she would purchase new and gently used books to donate to Rhode Island teachers for their classrooms.  From mantaining our family's Little Free Library to sharing her books at local story times, and holding free book fairs, Molly finds sharing the joy of reading as an integral part of her kindness initiative.  Reading about stories and characters from diverse lives help children to build empathy leading to a kinder, more understanding world.


Story Hours

Molly has partnered with local events and small business to share her love of reading, message of kindness, and show kids, they to can become authors.

She was a guest at the 2023 Rhode Island Festival of Children's Books and Authors.

She has also partnered with Buster's Bookhouse to host story hours around Southeastern Massachusetts.

Halloween Booktacular!

Carrying on her work to get diverse books into the hands of Rhode Island kids, Molly hosts free book events in the month of October at Trunk or Treats and on Halloween in her neighborhood.

With donations from neighboors and friends over 150 new and gently used books will be distributed to children ages infant to young adult.

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